Compare to alternative models

Compare to alternative models

from bayes_window.generative_models import generate_fake_spikes
from bayes_window.model_comparison import *
from bayes_window import BayesWindow, BayesRegression, LMERegression, BayesConditions
df, df_monster, index_cols, firing_rates = generate_fake_spikes(n_trials=140,


window = BayesRegression(df=df, y='isi', treatment='stim', group='mouse', condition='neuron'), do_mean_over_trials=True,)
rank loo p_loo d_loo weight se dse warning loo_scale
full_gamma 0 32682.539769 10.218112 0.000000 2.098871e-01 84.574023 0.000000 False log
full_lognormal 1 32675.996306 10.075258 6.543463 2.014462e-01 85.727711 120.290167 False log
full_exponential 2 32674.510397 10.205030 8.029372 2.178374e-01 87.600528 121.822053 False log
full_normal 3 32626.496626 10.351264 56.043143 1.928634e-01 87.418404 121.445111 False log
full_student 4 32568.623946 10.514633 113.915823 1.810493e-01 90.958744 123.886180 False log
no-treatment 5 28590.554648 1.952379 4091.985121 3.801839e-04 76.541851 113.972350 False log
no_condition_or_treatment 6 28560.210721 1.850343 4122.329048 3.789740e-04 75.967954 113.577487 False log
no_group 7 17914.078009 0.721915 14768.461760 3.574336e-07 58.466185 102.942507 False log
no_condition 8 17913.669329 0.738353 14768.870440 0.000000e+00 58.383048 103.637447 False log

Linear mixed effects model

window = LMERegression(df=df, y='isi', treatment='stim', group='mouse', condition='neuron_x_mouse')
Using formula isi ~ (1|mouse) + stim| neuron_x_mouse__0 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__1 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__2 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__3 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__4 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__5 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__6 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__7 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__8 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__9 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__10 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__11 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__12 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__13 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__14 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__15 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__16 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__17 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__18 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__19 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__20 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__21 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__22 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__23 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__24 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__25 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__26 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__27 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__28 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__29 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__30 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__31 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__32 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__33 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__34 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__35 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__36 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__37 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__38 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__39 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__40 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__41 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__42 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__43 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__44 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__45 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__46 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__47 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__48 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__49 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__50 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__51 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__52 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__53 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__54 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__55 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__56 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__57 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__58 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__59 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__60 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__61 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__62 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__63 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__64 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__65 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__66 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__67 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__68 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__69 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__70 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__71 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__72 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__73 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__74 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__75 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__76 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__77 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__78 + stim|neuron_x_mouse__79
/home/m/anaconda3/envs/dj/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsmodels/regression/ ConvergenceWarning: The MLE may be on the boundary of the parameter space.
  warnings.warn(msg, ConvergenceWarning)
                            Coef. Std.Err.        z  P>|z|  [0.025  0.975]
Intercept                   0.081    0.004   21.895  0.000   0.074   0.088
1 | mouse                  -0.004    0.001   -4.460  0.000  -0.005  -0.002
stim | neuron_x_mouse__0   -0.003    0.001   -3.634  0.000  -0.005  -0.001
stim | neuron_x_mouse__1   -0.008    0.001   -9.634  0.000  -0.010  -0.006
stim | neuron_x_mouse__2   -0.010    0.001  -11.919  0.000  -0.012  -0.008
...                           ...      ...      ...    ...     ...     ...
stim | neuron_x_mouse__76   0.003    0.001    3.079  0.002   0.001   0.004
stim | neuron_x_mouse__77  -0.001    0.001   -1.238  0.216  -0.003   0.001
stim | neuron_x_mouse__78  -0.005    0.001   -5.650  0.000  -0.006  -0.003
stim | neuron_x_mouse__79  -0.007    0.001   -8.779  0.000  -0.009  -0.006
Group Var                   0.000    0.002                                

[83 rows x 6 columns]
           sum_sq    df     F  PR(>F)
stim         0.0   1.0  54.1     0.0
Residual     0.0  14.0   NaN     NaN
neuron_x_mouse center interval Std.Err. z p higher interval lower interval zero
0 0 -0.003 0.001 -3.634 0.000 -0.005 -0.001 0
1 1 -0.008 0.001 -9.634 0.000 -0.010 -0.006 0
2 2 -0.010 0.001 -11.919 0.000 -0.012 -0.008 0
3 3 -0.016 0.001 -18.903 0.000 -0.017 -0.014 0
4 4 -0.019 0.001 -22.785 0.000 -0.021 -0.017 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
75 75 0.007 0.001 8.115 0.000 0.005 0.008 0
76 76 0.003 0.001 3.079 0.002 0.001 0.004 0
77 77 -0.001 0.001 -1.238 0.216 -0.003 0.001 0
78 78 -0.005 0.001 -5.650 0.000 -0.006 -0.003 0
79 79 -0.007 0.001 -8.779 0.000 -0.009 -0.006 0

80 rows × 8 columns


Simple one-way ANOVA:

           sum_sq    df     F  PR(>F)
stim         0.0   1.0  54.1     0.0
Residual     0.0  14.0   NaN     NaN

Of course in reality, neurons don’t have this consistent variation in each mouse. This would only be applicable to a priori classes of neurons